Zakat and Integrated
Poverty Mapping Collaboration: An Aplicative Approach Model to Indonesian
Poverty Eradication after UU Zakat 23/ 2011
Submitted for National Islamic Economics Call for Paper and
Seminar (NIECS) Universitas Airlangga 2012
Andi Irawan
STEI TAZKIA Semester 5 Majoring in Islamic
Mobile :
Rysky Marlinda
STEI TAZKIA Semester 5 Majoring
in Islamic Accounting
Mobile :
the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia has
tremendous zakat potential. National Board of Amil Zakat (BAZNAS) noted the
potential zakat collection in Indonesia reached Rp217 trillion. This amount is
collected from 180 million potential muzakki annually. If zakat is managed with proper method to eight
asnaf (zakat recipients) will certainly be a new solution in creating
prosperity gradually and then be able to be a solution to national poverty
eradication program.
optimization of zakat until now had not yet reached the maximum level both in
the collection, distribution, and management. This is suspected due to the
management of zakat has not been systematic and integrated, so the noble task
of transforming mustahik into muzakki often seen in the media as ‘the poor
show’. This is certainly a concern so it urgently need national zakat
management to be more professional. We offer a collaborative model between
poverty-eradication stakeholders both government and private institution and
using the Integrated Poverty Mapping as a basis of action.
Poverty Mapping tried to promote zakat as a national agenda. Many stakeholders
will be involved based on their capabilities through integration and positive
synergy framework, in this case the relevant ministries, BASNAZ, Amil Zakat
Institution (LAZ), the Organization for Zakat Fundraiser (OPZ) and a variety of
companies both state-owned and private.
Poverty Mapping has three function in poverty-fighting. First, as a guide and
map the actual poor people, ranging from the provincial, district / city,
to village and smaller geographical
area. Second, Integrated Poverty Mapping is used as the basis for a
well-targeted conceptualize poverty-fighting program, and also ‘the have’
mapping and proper approach to them. Third, integrated poverty mapping also
serves as a tool that gives an overview of the potential empowerment of
provinces, districts / towns, villages and smallaer geographical area. So
empowerment program can be sustained.
The presence of Zakat Act 23/
2011 aimed to answer the problem of zakat management in Indonesia. Through
qualitative methods, we tried to offer an integrated solution so that zakat can
be optimized as a poverty-fighting tool. Zakat and Integrated Poverty Mapping
Collaboration: An Aplicative Approach Model to Indonesian Poverty Eradication
after UU Zakat 23/ 2011. Through this solution, the distribution and management
zakat will be more organized.
Keyword: Zakat, Poverty Integrated
Mapping, Zakat Act No.23/ 2011
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