when I was browsing in the internet. I found the inspire blog belongs to Himawan Nugroho. I will share it here.
The Indonesian named Himawan is the CISCO global consultant team (the largest programmer company in Dubai). He is also the founder of GEM Foundation.
He inspired me by his blog posting titled " 10 things i wish i did in university":
He revealed that he was so disappointed due to lack of doing those in the university, actually. He claimed, he would be more lucky if those done completely in the university though so many people think Himawan already success now, but he said, "I'l be more if I strive to do more."
So, here it is: " 10 things I wish I Did in University"
1. Make more mistakes. Take more risks
School is the best place to make mistakes. The worst thing can happen is to fail a subject and repeat it again in the following year. Make mistakes as professional has more implication and business impact. I wish I made many more mistakes and took more risks as a student.
(yup, Himawan totally right, Guys. Don't worry to make more mistakes when we are studying. People look at you as a student, that's our time to try every positive thing in this life. Explore more and get more. Always say yes to the positive one and neglect the worst. Say yes to the new place, new people and new opportunity. Sometimes we fail to learn more, since the success man experience it!)
2. Find the one thing I love, earlier
After figure out that many people who change the world are the one who work on the thing they love, I wish I spent more time to find the one thing I love when I was a student or much earlier.
(exploring what do I want to, who am I then how could I make it come true are really important )
3. Work hard on things that matter
Once I knew the thing that I love doing, I would be focusing my self to start preparing and pursuing it as early as possible. I would work hard on things that matter that made me closer to achieve my desire.
(if your dream bigger, you should work harder. Make sure that we are able to survive reaching what you want to. Don't you?)
4. Always finish everything I start
Good thing I finished my Mechanical Engineering degree, even in the middle I knew the subject was not something I would like to do to make a living. There were many more things I wish I finished. I wish I always delivered and made it as habit to finish everything I started.
(by starting everything means we are ready in facing the responsibility to finish it completely. Not to be faster, please being slowly but sure)
5. Make more networks
Human networking is one main key to success in global competition. Some said, it's who you know not what you know. I wish I spent more time to make more networks, beyond my department, beyond my city, with all professionals across the globe who work on the field that I wanted to be, even when I was still in university.
(Yaa, I do want to meet so many people, chatting, discussing, creating wider network, then get so many friends.)
6. Take more leader positions
Now I know global market seeks for leader not follower, I wish I took more leader positions as a student. I wish I joined many organization and be the leader. To learn that it's not easy to become one, to make hard decision, to assume responsibilities and to delegate works.
(though it's not easy, I think I should attempt to try this somehow)
7. Do more communication. Do more presentation
I wish I did more presentation in English in university. I wish to be brave enough to stand up and voice my opinion if I believed it was right. It's better to be a laughing matter at school instead of as professional who faces difficulty to speak in public just because lack of practices.
(I think this is my special talent that I have to maintain well, since so many people are afraid to do this point, otherwise, I like it so much)
8. Manage money wisely
Invest money as early as possible is always a good idea. And if I had managed my money from young, I would learn how to do budgeting, how to be more efficient, how to make decision in spending and many more that are essentials for global competition.
(this is a nice advice for shopping holic (maniac), ex: lady, motherhood, metro sexual man, etc. hoho. But personally, being so over in spending money is danger.
9. Contribute more to community
Most of us start working for profit, then for the one we are passionate about, and finally for a higher purpose. For me the higher purpose is to be useful for the community and people around me, no matter how small. I wish I contributed more to community, in any way, to make it as a habit and at the same time to have opportunity to make networks.
(i'm still learn on this. I think, I don't contribute anything yet to the community. I'll be more contributing. Insha Allah :)
10.Travel the world
I wish I spent time to travel the world since I was very young. So I would get used to see differences. So I could work and be with others who have different mindset, who come from different background.
(yup, going to Mekkah, Maddinah, doing Hajj and seeking for huge hikmah (lesson) there is the greatest desire for every one especially muslim which I wanna make it come true. Beside those, I want to continue my study abroad and travel to every place I dream)